10 reasons why you should buy travel insurance

10 reasons why you should buy travel insurance


It does not matter if you are booking a weekend getaway or a long vacation to Spain, contingency can occur at any point in life. And, the risks tend to increase when you are on a foreign land surrounded by strangers. 


Life is unpredictable so anything can happen during your travel itinerary. Despite all the plans, there is no assurance that your trip will go as intended. From being mugged to meeting with an accident, you risk all sorts of vulnerabilities on the go.


Your trip can take the most unpredictable turns at the most unpredicted times. Having financial protection in the form of travel insurancecomes to your rescue. Travel insurance allows you to make the most of your traveling plans while making you prepare to meet any kind of circumstance that may take place during your happy and peaceful journey. 


Let us take you through some of the incredible benefits of travel insurance so even if you have any apprehensions would be cleared up here


Emergency Medical Expenses


Falling sick or wounded on a trip to your dream destination can leave you feeling murky. Being stuck in the medical emergency situation does not just disturb the smooth tour but also give rise to emotional and mental stress. Since you are in a foreign country, it won’t be easy to find a doctor who would assist you right away. You also won’t be having any idea if the hospital provides quality healthcare services for that matter; cost is another big factor to consider. 


Bottom Line:This is where an overseas travel insurance policy would be pretty handy providing complete cover which includes protection against medical expenses and hospitalization. 


Protection to Personal Belongings


It is always safer to not to bring any expensive or valuable belongings to a place you know nothing about like cameras, lenses, jewelry, laptop, iPod and passport. However, you can;t even afford to go to your favorite place without having them in your luggage as they are the big travel essentials. If you bring them along, they are prone to damage or lost without any doubt. 


Bottom Line: Have no fear when you are fully insured from impending doom as the travel insurance policy by your side. You just have to furnish police report details and other related requirements like invoices or receipts.


Coverage for Luggage


Finally, your special day has arrived. Haven’t you been dreaming about a wedding at a beachside resort? Alas, the airline made a mistake and your baggage will be delayed. You have your dress, the rings but how about other essential stuff like personal items and toiletries.


Bottom Line: Don&rfret! The service hotline will assist you to recover your baggage instantly. Also, you will be reimbursed for the essentials things you need to make the most of your awaited trip. Not just this, you will be compensated for a suitcase so you can easily take your new stuff home with much ease and comfort and no delays.


Personal Liability Covered


You were driving a motorbike in Prague and all of a sudden bumped a person that caused him/her a minor injury. This incident may lead you to pay thousands of dollars and if the victim happens to sue you, it might get you into big financial trouble.


Bottom Line: Worry not. A good travel insurance policy would protect you from the unexpected damage or legal matters that you may face.

Coverage for the Entire Family


As compared to solo traveling, traveling along with your family or loved ones involve more expenses. While alone you may easily manage certain expenses but with family, you would need some support at least. The more the number of people, the higher the chances of something goes wrong. 


Bottom Line:Thankfully, there are plenty of family travel insurances that cover the whole family including 2 adults up to 60 years of age and dependent children up to 21 years of age.


Urgent Medical Evacuation


You and your son have planned a tour to Mont-Tremblant, but high in the mountains your son gets trapped in a dangerously high fever. He would need immediate attention but how will you bring him to the safest place?


Bottom Line: With medical evacuation coverage, you can easily arrange safe transportation to a medical facility. Generally, medical evacuation cost thousands of dollars but with trip insurance you won’t have to do a hole in your pocket.


Reclaim Flight Rescheduling and Cancellation Fees


Flights cancellation or rescheduling can happen because of many reasons from medical exigency; bad weather to strikes. Such mishaps annihilate the best-made travel plans. So, without travel insurance to back you up, you have no choice but pay the flight cancellation charge or any other charge associated with your trip. 


Bottom Line: With the right insurance policy in place to have you covered for your trip, such charges can be easily taken care of without any hindrances.


Stress-Free Stays


With a suitable travel insurance plan, you can be assured of stress-free and hassle-free stays while allowing you recover your losses against unexpected eventualities. It will also facilitate recompense for longer stays in the travel destination giving the health breakdown until you are all well good to travel again.


Bottom Line: Insurance plans are a must have not just for occasional travelers but frequent travelers too. With so many insurance policies available online, you can compare and find the right plan for yourself.


Travel Investment Protection


In order to secure your travel investment, trip insurance is a ridiculously smart way. If you go on a trip to Korea and spend more than $1,000 then it is recommended to take such contingency cover. 


Bottom Line: It will give you coverage against unforeseen circumstances before and during the itinerary. Some of the scenarios include medical urgencies, death of loved one, bad climatic conditions, riots or strikes. 


Missed Connection


Under the travel insurance cover, you get a reimbursement for the expenses of a missed connection. For instance, you are traveling from Delhi to Spain and have a halt in Italy but you miss your connection from Italy because your flight to Italy from Delhi got delayed. 


Bottom Line: Without a policy, you would have to bear the cost of booking a new flight on your own to make it a point to cover all your trips.


To Sum Up


At the end of the day, it’s up to you to weigh the benefits to buy travel insurance against the costs. With so many insurance policies available, you can easily compare and find the best plan for your travel itinerary.  Book with the reputed travel specialist and see how they add value to your trip. Let your travels be about unforgettable memories, not tiny troubles.



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