How Kids and Social Media is Related ?
Kids and social media are growing concerns, as the internet becomes a very important part of their life. Using social media has become the most common activity of today’s children and youngsters also. The dramatic increase of the internet access among the younger population has created several concerns for parents. There are such a large number of things kids, youths, and adolescents can do when they utilize and get to the web. Case in point, they turn into significantly more dynamic as in terms of communicating with other people. They learn and acquire knowledge and information, are upgraded by perusing the news, and generally become more aware about every one of the events that happen around them. What is Social Media? Any web site that permits social interaction is viewed as a social media site, including social networking sites, for example, Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual world, such as, Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; video destinations, for example, YouTube; and blogs. Such sites offer today's kids an entrance for entertainment and communication, and have become exponentially in recent years. About 90% of teens have used some form of social media and 75% have a profile on a social networking site, experts say. The benefits of using social media As we all know that, technology is introduced to make the way of living smoother and easier. Similarly, social media also helps a person in several ways such as:
  • Social Media helps with socialization and allow the people to stay connected with their friends and family, sharing pictures, exchanging ideas and making new friends.
  • With the help of the internet and social media sites, the kids can improve their learning ability. Most students used social media to connect with each other to share their homework and for group projects.
  • The social media can help the kids to become creative by introducing new ideas of learning and doing things. The kids who use the internet could have more alert and active mind than kids who do not use.
  • It can also improve unique social skills and fostering of one’s individual identity.
  • Moreover, social media give opportunities for community engagement through raising money for charity and volunteering for local events
The risks of using social media It is common that the abuse of anything can lead the risks and drawbacks. Similarly, If we can not use the internet or social media sites in a limited condition can increase the several risks which are given below:
  • The one of the most common risks for all teens and adults are “Cyberbullying”. A peer-to-peer risk is a purposely using digital media to communicate false, awkward, or hostile information about another person. That problem can lead profound psycho-social outcomes such as depression, severe isolation, anxiety and sometimes suicide as well as.
  • The other problem is “Sexting” which can be defined as “sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs, or images via cell phone, computer, or other digital devices.”
  • Most people become addicted to the internet and social media, and spend their lots of time on internet suffering. This can directly affect their social life and generate a gap with the parents and kids.
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