Best Honeymoon Tips for Bride

“Honeymoon” which will be your dream trip can’t be defined in words. It is a journey of emotions with lots of fun. So why not start deciding, about it? You can be clicking moments, enjoying dinners, dance, drinks and most important “Sex”. It can be pre planned or maybe you have no time to plan before you leave for your favourite destination. There are some healthy tips for your new journey which you can plan to give surprises:

1. Attractive looks Looks for a bride for your most awaited “Honeymoon” should be attractive. Everyone loves surprises and that too for your honeymoon and sure your partner will love it too. While choosing your clothes for your pleasurable moments are important. Surprise him with your looks and glowing skin. You might not be good looking, but it doesn’t matter. To be in presentable position is important. Honeymoon is not about the good looks, but it is important to be planned and presentable towards your partner.

2. Verbal-Non Verbal Communication Communication will be the key for perfect “Honeymoon”. It doesn’t matter whether it is a verbal or non-verbal. More important is the communication you do while doing sex. You have to communicate your partner while performing the blowing job. Every body type is different in structure and approach. You have to guide him, especially in your “Honeymoon”.

3. Maintain good sexual hygiene Take care of your body, especially “sexual health” is important. You must be busy in shopping before your honeymoon, so you can take extra care of your body. Urinate after any sexual intercourse and also most important drink plenty of water. Your cleanliness, how you take it seriously as you want to enjoy the sex. Healthy and clean sexual parts are important while performing the job. To avoid any germs or infection to get into it.

4. Talk about your expectations It is very important to fulfil the expectation of your partner. You can have conversation prior to your pleasurable trip to your partner which will be helpful for your “Honeymoon”. You can tell your expectations to your partner before your “Honeymoon” about your liking and disliking. Your expectation from your partners will matter a lot. Your communication will play the key role in making your expectation known to your partner.

5. Don’t feel pressurized on the “Honeymoon” Honeymoon can be overwhelming feeling which can’t be expressed. Every couple wants to look best for them “Honeymoon”. It is also a view or indicator of how healthy or unhealthy their sex life will be the rest of their marriage. In reality you can be too exhausted for sex the night of the wedding. Give yourself a little relaxes to get into the sex marathon. Keep your pressure to be good in every way aside just go with the flow of emotions.

6. Prioritize Intimacy Honeymoon is the opportunity to plan your days according to your wish. You can do indoor and outdoor activities. You can also have interest in sightseeing and exploring on your “Honeymoon”. It will be the quality intimacy time you can enjoy with your partner. Bonding and togetherness after this milestone will be huge. So your intimacy with your partner will depend on your “Honeymoon”.

7. Packaging Stuff You can make a list of things you wanted to keep. Choosing a wardrobe is not difficult, but choosing what to wear at the right time is important. All need to pack everything you will be in need in your Honeymoon. Apart from a passport, it is important to carry your essentials like medicines, perfumes and your favourite dresses. To be ready to go for anything, whether it is swimwear, hot dress, hat, extra lingerie, denim, T-shirts etc.

8. Set the budget Being it is a long or short Honeymoon, you have to plan according to the budget you have. It includes all the expenses; it should not be over budget and under budget. It’s not all about spending so much that in the end you will leave with very less amount to adjust. After honeymoon also you have to take care of your extra spending. Be on budget is good as far as Honeymoon is concerned.

9. Be ready for the pain If you are still virgin, than make sure you will get little painful sex. It will hurt you little in the starting but after that you will get used to it and will enjoy. First night may be a little loopy, but don’t take tension and have fear about it. You must be having questions in your mind. Be calm and prepared for the night.

10. Not about Sex only If you are looking for a real connection that it is not only about sex. But also about connecting in all areas, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Working on building of friendship is important then to make sex more beautiful bond. You should be focused on your partner more about his liking and disliking to make him comfortable while performing the sex.

11. Thoughts about the future Thinking about the future with him is important. All you have to do is to shut the doors of your past. In the past you may have many affairs and may be some serious relationships. But you have to start as a scratch to give your relation serious relationship goals. Your partner with whom you are planning a your “dream”. You need to focus on your relationship rather than thinking about other than your partner.

12. Follow your hearts For every decision while selecting a gift or any choice related to your partner, you must think about the how your heart says to do it. It is the time when whatever you want to do, you have to do. Make him know your choices and preferences. It can be so simple as selecting a color or complicated. But your love for your partner will speak in your attitude. Do not listen to anybody or follow anybody for any of your Honeymoon decisions. It’s your personal decision and that would be the final one.

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