5 Biggest Fears About Senior Living
When you in your 70s or 80s, you might be at an age where assistance may be necessary for you. Though you might cook your own dinners or be able to take care of your home without having any problems. But senior living facility can make life easier for your body as well as your mind. You might see hiring senior care assistance as something to fear, but you don’t have to panic about that. In fact your major fears may be unwarranted. We listed the most common fears people face with senior care and how to over comes those fears. 1. High Cost or Unaffordable One of the biggest fears posed by seniors is the expensive cost structure within a facility. Your mortgage may already be paid off or you might be living on a limited budget, which makes senior living seem too expensive. With the help of different resources or insurance, senior living does not have to drain your bank account. When it’s all added up, you can actually save some money by moving into a facility. 2. Indifferent Staff If you have ever seen TV shows with rude nurses or caregivers, it is understandable to have worries about a facility. You might end up thinking that they all have awful, non-caring staff. But this is not actually the case; in fact any staff member who is seen as not fit or unhappy would be either transferred to a better fitting position or let go. 3. Daily Boredom These senior living communities offer many varieties of activities that are enjoyed by all the residents within the community. There can be card games, book clubs, outings and other distractions that keep you entertained throughout the day. It’s very possible that you would find yourself battling boredom more living alone than at a senior living community. 4. Forgotten by Loved Ones Being forgotten by loved ones is a real fear that many seniors may have. It is important to keep in touch with everyone. Invite them to the facility for different events or activities. Or even stay in touch with loved ones through social media. You won’t be forgotten by your loved ones. 5. Loss of Independence Living in a senior facility does not mean that you will lose your independence. Many senior living facilities will have personalized programs to insure you keep as much independence as you can. With the lack of chores you may feel even more independent than before. 6. Leaving a Sentimental Property Leaving a place you’ve lived for most of your life can be hard. Renting out your home might make the move easier. You will be cared at the senior living facility while your home can be maintained as well. It is possible to make some income off of this situation with rental funds too. We hope this list has helped you overcome any fears that are stopping you from joining a senior living facility. Make an appointment to visit a community near you today and see for yourself that your fear is not needed.
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