Top Ten Ways to Remove Dark Lips
Undoubtedly, pink lips are appealing feature of women’s beauty or a man’s good looks. Nobody wants dark lips since it obviously diminishes the core beauty of an individual. Our lifestyle is a huge contributory factor in having dark lips. However, there are other reasons as well for dark lips such as: smoking, allergies, dryness, cosmetics use, excessive exposure to direct sunlight, smoking, high caffeine intake, hormonal imbalance etc. So, it quite imperative for you to take care of your lips and just with natural remedies you can easily get your pink lips back in no time. Check out the below mentioned ways to get rid of dark lips:
  1. Use Lemon Juice: The vitamin C in lemon juice whitens the dark lips and you may apply lemon juice once a day. After applying on lips, massage with your fingertips and lips will start to look bright and clear.
  2. Honey: Applying pure honey on lips nourishes, softens and soothes the skin. It is one of the greatest natural moisturizer for your skin.
  3. Beetroot: Blend some beetroot slices, apply its juice on lips and leave it overnight. Wake up in the morning, wash off your lips and see your reddish lips.
  4. Avoid UV Sun Rays: Make an effort to go less in the sun because if you move more in the sun, you will notice melanin growth on your skin which create pigments and damages your skin. So, either wear a cap or apply a lip balm when you have to go out in the sun.
  5. Rose Petals and Milk: Rose comprises of moisturizing, cooling, soothing and brightness properties. So, massaging the mixture of rose petals and milk retain the pinkish color for a longer period of time.
  6. Don’t Let Lips Dry: Before sleeping at night, apply some glycerin on lips. Also, be aware of the cold weather, drink lots of water and eat fresh fruits.
  7. Take Less Caffeine: Do you know that drinking tea or coffee more than 5 cups every day can cause darkness on your lips. So, try to take 2-3 cups a day only.
  8. Lip Lightening Cream: There are various types of lip lightening creams available in the market which you can use to get rid of dark lips.
  9. Exfoliate your Lips: You can coat your lips with petroleum jelly or honey before going to bed. At morning, rub your lips with toothbrush and it will remove the dead skin cells from lips.
  10. Stop Smoking: Nowadays, men and women both are smoking and there is no doubt over the fact that smoking leave stains on your teeth and lips. It creates black spots, so it would be recommended that you should stop smoking as quickly as possible.
Now, you don’t have to panic any more as above mentioned are the best tips to remove dark lips faster. Use these home remedies and you will have pinkish bright lips soon just like the way you had when you were born.
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