Top Ten Warning Signs of Cervical Cancer: You should not ignore

Cervical Cancer is the most dangerous cancer in the women around the world. It basically occurs in the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Estimation of death in 2015 were around 5000 approx, which is quite shocking. Almost all the cases of this type of cancer are caused by a virus called HPV (Human Papillomavirus). All age women are the risk of developing cervical cancer after they begin having sexual intercourse. There are many warning signs that women can get are listed below: 1. Loss Of Bladder Control An increase in the fluid can lead to the bathroom breaks, but if it has increased without knowing any reason. This may cause loss of bladder control. It indicates that cancer has spread beyond the localized area and is affecting the parts of the urinary tract. Kindly consult your doctor if you see this type of changes. 2. Constant Fatigue In a busy schedule, anyone can feel refreshed and full of energy after a little rest. If you feel low and lack of energy despite of resting. It could be a cause of concern. While suffering cancer, red blood cells are replaced by white blood cells. This lead to fatigue, loss of energy most of the time. This could be the major concern and you should contact the doctor. 3. Leg Pain Women experience leg pain in cervical cancer. Women may often feel swelling in legs. When the cancer spreads, it obstructs blood flow, which causes swelling in the legs. It may make hard to carry day to day activities. Pain can be constant and it can increase day by day. But all pain does not mean the cervical cancer. You should consult the doctor, if you feel pain and difficulty in meeting daily goals. 4. Unexpected Weight Loss When suffering from cancer, unexpected weight loss can indicate cervical cancer. While suffering from cancer, immune system works hard to fight. The body produces small protein called cytokines, which break down the fat into a much higher rate. It's important that you should get medical check. 5. Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding Most women facing irregular bleeding in cervical cancer. It may be due to other medical conditions such as hormonal imbalance, pelvic inflammatory disease or an infection in the pelvic organs. A cancer spreads, it creates abnormal capillaries that break easily and cause bleeding. It can be between the menstrual bleeding, after intercourse. Consult your doctor, if you the bleeding is not normal. 6. Pain during Intercourse Painful intercourse is the important warning sign that you may be suffering from Cervical Cancer. This symptom indicates advanced cervical cancer, which means Cancer has spread throughout the reproductive organs. Apart from pain, thick, foul smelling vaginal discharge can also occur. 7. Unusual Vaginal Discharge A little of discharge with clear and odorless is normal. But if the vaginal discharge increases with smell foul or has an irregular appearance, then it may be the other symptom of cervical cancer. 8. Discomfort while urinating Discomfort while urinating is the another symptom of deadly disease. Urinating discomfort includes burning, stinging or a tight sensation while urinating. It can be due to other causes such as urinating tact infection, bladder problem, yeast infection or sexually transmitted disease (STD). You should not ignore this type of symptom. You should fix an appointment with the doctor. 9. Pelvic Pain Pain radiating from your pelvis is actually quite common, especially if you are on menstrual cycle. However, if the pain becomes more intense than usual and it happens more than before while lasting for longer periods, this could be a sign that you have cervical cancer. 10. Heavier and longer menstrual Periods Periods should come every month for a given period of time. Although there are other reasons that may be behind why menstrual cycles are irregular, this is actually one of the signs of cervical cancer. This is especially true for normal cycle and suddenly experience irregular cycles. Contact a medical professional immediately if you think there is something wrong with your menstrual periods.

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