Top Five Hot "Summer Sex" Tips
Temperature in summers is too hot to handle, moreover with sex. But you can enjoy the sex in summer and add the spice. There is no better time to steam your love life with some intimate sex position and some fun ways. Tips can be used in summers to enjoy the hot sex with your partner. You can plan and enjoy from naked date to steamy food in coming summers.
  1. You can enjoy the foreplay in the water. In this hot weather, you just have to set the environment to make your love feel comfortable in the bathtub. Slowly you can start enjoying the sex in the tub.
  2. To enjoy the oral sex, you can use the mint before you start your wonderful night. The menthol left in your mouth will give your partner a sensational feeling and Chilly pleasurable moment to go with.
  3. You can enjoy in a bikini and your partner will never let you go from there. You can enjoy this in an empty pool or at the lake or on the ocean. Go for deep penetration to feel the pleasure. According to the clinical sexologist, if it is happens to be your own pool then you can keep silicone-based lube nearby.
  4. Hotels make great place in summers, go get a room. Taking a break from the routine is all important. Reconnect with your partner with slipping your room key with some stranger at the bar where the romance novels are made of. Start with some foreplay with using your hand and then hit the spot with hottest penetration.
  5. You can also plan the extra exciting date with your love near the pool or beach. The summer plan can go with some squeezing and steaming workout to make it hotter.

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