Top 7 ways to deal with static hair
In this fast world, everyone is busy in their own professional life and has no time to take care of hair. The busy schedule  can cause many types of health problems like sickness, unhealthy skin, unhealthy hair and other major problems. The problem of static hair becomes a very wider issue these days. Every second person is suffering with the same problem of having static and rough hairs. It causes with the combination of cold air and low humidity.  Here are some easy methods, which helps to get rid of static hair and make our hair healthy naturally. Ways to deal with Static and rough hair 1. Shampoo with Conditioner: Always try to use the best quality of hair care products to overcome the problem of Static and fly away hair. Shampoo your hair with that product only, which are suitable for your hair type. The shampoo which contains natural ingredients is very helpful to increase the hair growth and volume. It becomes very compulsory to use conditioner after shampoo to reduce the static and roughness in the hair.  Because of having so many problems in life such as tensions, burden and pollution our hair looks sick and ill. So, it is very important to Shampoo of your hair with a good conditioner. 2. Hair Serum: Hair serum works best on dry hair and it will not take more time to apply. You can just directly apply it after washing the hair and there is no need to remove it. It is effective to make your hair beautiful and nourished. 3. Hair Spray: Hair spray is also an effective way to make our hair smooth and silky. It does not provide a long time result and causes the problem of unhealthy hair also. 4. Head Massage with Natural Oil: Hair oil is a very good product in the case of static and bumpy hair. It can easily overcome this problem and make your hair healthy, long and strong. You can massage your scalp once in a week for 1 to 2 hours with olive oil or other natural oils for better result. 5. Hair Spa: Hair spa is the method of getting beautiful and healthy hair by using some hair spa products. The hair spa products are very helpful for every type of hairs even they are oily, rough, sticky or dull. If you take the Hair Spa once in a month, then you will get beautiful and long hair within a few months. 6. Hair cut or Trimming: If you get a haircut after 2 to 3 months, then this will help you to get rid of static hair. This procedure will help you by trimming your uneven and extra hair from the end. This will also help in increasing the length and volume of the hair. 7. Right Hair Tools: Always try to use best hair tools like comb instead of a brush, metal made comb and natural boar bristle brush more than once in a day. This will help in proper blood circulation and make your scalp and hair healthy. These tools are helpful in providing the instant benefits for that person who have static hair.
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