Protest In Pakistan – distorted Law and order
Activists from Tehreek-e-Labaik Islamist Political Party have been blocking the main road into the capital City-Islamabad and Rawalpindi since November 8, accusing the Law Minister of blasphemy for amendment in Parliament bill. Tehreek-e-Labaik blames the law and Justice minister, Zahid Hamid, for changes to an electoral law that weakened an Oath that all candidate for public office must swear, that they believe prophet Mohammad as the final prophet. The words in Form A - “ I solemnly, swear “ had been replaced with “ I believe” in the clause relating to a candidate’s belief in the Muhammad as the final Prophet. The amendment has been restored to its original form referring to it as clerical mistake. On Saturday, 25 November 2017, Army has been deployed in the capital CityIslamabad, to restore law and order disturbed by protest for two weeks. The protestors have dismantled the law situation and disturbed the daily life of capital. “Death to blasphemers’ is the shouting of the protestors. Over 250 people have been injured in the street demonstration. Private Tv channels have been ordered to go off air and only State run channel have been ordered to broadcast Youtube & Twitter. Police used tear gas, water canon to remove 1000 activists on the streets. Activists from Tehreek-E-Labaik have been demanding dismal of Law and Justice Minister from the post and his arrest.