Popular Game of Thrones Director compares set secrecy to the gestapo

The secrets of the realm should always be protected no matter what. Here, we are talking about Game 8 of GOT filmed fake scenes to mislead the detectives who are behind the secrets of the last scene of Game of Thrones.

Speaking to the Huffington Post, Director David Nutter confirmed to the fact that he had filmed scenes which he knew was not true at all. At times, they were paparazzi in awesome places such as:
construction cranes and in all types of crazy places in order to get a point of view of things.

He further said that they were everywhere, trying to get into what was happening, however, it was such a situation where there was no defined role on the GOT set. The production team ensured no one gets to know what was actually happening and they got to the 9th grade as they do in the overall program. So, basically, they take it to the point where it’s like the Gestapo answers.

However, these lengths may seem to be a bit extreme, Nutter makes sure that in the end, it will all be worth it. While speaking to the Huffington Post, he further exclaimed that David Benioff and Dan Weiss spend much of their time and efforts telling the story properly so the audience will be satisfied completely. He said that it’s up to the entire building he is coming to.

Game of Thrones returns in spring! A grand welcome is expected.

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