Playing "Pokemon Go" Game is Good for Health
The "Pokemon GO" game has made the headline in most cities of the world, for its unique game playing structure. Pokemon Go is the great success of Nintendo in the world of gaming as a GPS based game is a new location based augmented reality. Through this game, Nintendo wins the award of “healthy game ever”. According to scientists, It has real-life  good health consequences. “Playing the game is a lot of fun, and it has been a catalyst to get people moving,” said Matt Hoffman, a clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Nursing, in the US. “This is relatively no-violent game, and I have seen families walking around playing the game together,” Hoffman said. Players can download the Pokemon Go game in their smartphones. To lead in the game, players needs to walk to catch Pokemon and access the Pokestops; a location where Pokeballs and other items are collected. Getting  to Pokestop, catching different Pokemon and hatching to poke eggs required to walk at different locations to enjoy the game. It is proven that Pokemon Go game is good for both mental and physical health. It is also good for those people who are suffering from depression and stress. After the game launch, there were a flurry reports show of those players who suffer from the depression and anxiety. The  Pokemon GO game has a positive effect on their mental health by improving their confidence level with motivation. If you play this game, then you have to go outside and walk kilometers to reach at a high level of the game.  Although, Walking is the best form of exercises.        
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