Personality Disorder : Causes & Symptoms

Personality describes the combination of thoughts, emotion, behaviors that make you unique. It's the way you see, comprehend and identify with the outside world, and in addition how you feel about yourself. Personality forms during the childhood and change dramatically, according to your experience and difficulties you faced in your life. On the other hand, someone experiencing Personality Disorders (PD) these difficulties is continuous and dangerous, negatively affecting their prosperity, psychological wellness and relationships with others.

However, it is quite difficult to find a comprehensive definition of these conditions. People who suffer with personality disorders can express an extensive variety of emotions and behaviors that are viewed as negative to relationships, causing friends and family to withdraw from the individual.

Causes of Personality Disorder

Personality disorders are caused by a blend of genetic factors, for example, a family history of disorders and childhood. Individuals who have a dysfunctional home life in early age and adolescence can create personality disorders in later life. For instance, an absence of valuable feedback or extreme praise could encourage foster narcissistic personality disorder. It takes information about a person's experience and family history to pinpoint what causes a personality disorder, and it is not a careful science. Sometimes, some environmental factor also causes it, such as the surroundings you grew up in and events that occurred.

Symptoms of Personality Disorder

Emotional Symptoms: The emotional symptoms of personality disorders change between disorders and express what needs be to varying degrees with every individual. For instance, individuals with avoidance personality disorder have a great aversion of conflict, permitting others to exploit them. Other symptoms can incorporate poor impulse control and a tendency for substance misuse.

Physical Symptoms: Personality disorders influence the mental ability, yet they can drive individuals to neglect their physical health too. Someone affected a similar condition, for instance, may neglect personal hygiene or suffer sleeping disorder due to fearful thoughts. Since a personality disorder is hard to analyze by someone who does not have the essential medical background, a detailed psychiatric evaluation is normally required.


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