Oral Contraception – “The Pill”
Contraceptive pills also called birth control pills are one of the hormonal birth control methods to prevent pregnancy. The pill will be taken once a day and at the same time every day. These pills release hormones which prevent release of the egg and hormones also help to stop sperm reaching the egg. Types of Contraceptive Pills: 1. Combination Contraceptive pills: These pills have female hormones: Estrogen and Progesterone. Hormones in the pills restrain pituitary gland which stops ovulation (the development and release of the egg in the ovary). The progesterone also helps thickening the mucus around the cervix which prevents sperm to enter the uterus and reach to the egg that may have been released during female monthly cycle. It also changes the lining of the uterus. 2. Mini Pills Or Progestin only Pills This is progestin only pill and have no estrogen in them. It works by changing the cervical mucus and thickens the lining of the uterus which helps to prevent male sperm reaching to the egg. It also affects timely ovulation. Which kind of Pill suitable for you? You should consult your physician, about whether taking pills are suitable for you or not, also discuss which type of pill suits you and its dosage. Usually, combination pill is slightly more effective than mini pills. But, if some females can’t take estrogen and are sensitive to combination pills in that case you should take mini pills. Effectiveness of the pills Both types of pills give effective results if it is taken strictly in the prescribed manner - One pill a day and taken at the same time every day, apart from whether you are going to have sex or not. With the perfect use of pill, helps in keeping the correct level of hormone in a woman’s body and gives effective result. In starting, for the first week, female should use back-up contraception, such as condoms, to prevent pregnancy. After a week, the Pill will work alone to prevent pregnancy. If pills are skipped or forgotten, you are not protected against pregnancy and you must back up with other form of birth control like condom. Also with the use of condoms you can lower the chance and protect yourself against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) such as HIV. Possible negative aspect of the Pills Oral contraceptive pill can affect a young woman differently. Mostly women have no side effects with the use of pills but very few women have negative effects. * Irregular periods * Nausea, Dizziness * Headache * Mood Swing * Enlarged Breast or Breast tenderness * Weight change * Blood clots Usually side effects are mild and go away in the first three-four months of using pill. In case the side effects are sore or if they don’t go away, you must consult your health care provider or may switch to different kind of birth control pill. Any Woman can use contraceptive pills? Most women can use birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. Woman can use pills till menopause. But in few cases, hormonal pills are not recommended for woman who is: * Women of over the age of 35 and who do smoking * Blood clots in arm, legs and in lungs * suffering from serious heart or liver disease * Suffering from Uterus Cancer * Suffering from Breast Cancer or any other type of cancer * High Blood Pressure * Migraine Headaches
There are other medical conditions as well, in which level of risk is high with taking the pills. You should consult your doctor before starting the course and take his/her advise.

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