Online Teaching Vs Class Room Teaching

Online Teaching which is the teaching methods followed by many educators. They believe in teaching online is a better and a techno way to teach. Many Educators feel that Traditional approach of teaching needs different outlook and way of  teaching than in an online teaching.

Online teaching is not only about to know the learning how to set-up online classroom. But also how the class to be conducted and the way of teaching skills like instructions etc to be used while teaching. Many believe that it is challenging to teach online than a classroom teaching. Their approach to teach in the class is different than the online. To become a more effective online instructor, there must be a thought given as how the class is to be taught?, how the technological tools will be used to convert the classroom teaching into online? And the manner if instruction used?. There are various ways that these two teachings are different from each other.

Instructions and teaching method are also different. Classroom teaching includes verbal instructions and whereas Online teaching includes written instructions. When the lecturer prepares their class lecture they create notes or speak from their knowledge. When the lecturer teaches online the techniques matter more because the primary source of communication are words, that matters a lot. This requires a change in the thought process while preparing the lecture.

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