Interview Preparation Tips

Everyone has attended a job interview at some point of time in their life and they felt nervous at that time. Don’t be nervous, take some good advices which can help you to perform the best in an interview. These interview tips will help you to crack an interview.

  • Before the interview: If you will go for an interview, then it is most important to prepare for an interview before going. Because if you are prepared for an interview, then you can respond to any question quickly. Below mentioned steps help you to prepare step by step.
    1. Research about the company: Before going for an interview you should research all the information related to the company. For Example,
    2. Where is the company? Check the location of the company, it is convenient for you or it so far from your location.
    3. In which products they deal? You have to look for the products or services the company is dealing with and what type of products or services they provide to the customers.
    4. What are the future goals of the company? Collect the information related to the company goals and targets achieved in the past years. So that it will be helpful for you to know the future targets.
    5. How many employees work in their organization? You can easily identify the company size by their employee numbers because if a company has more employees than it is large in size.
    6. How many branches and where? You have to collect the information regarding the company branches and their locations. Check how many branches of the company in the country or out of the country well in advance.
    7. What type of environment, a company is offering? Look for the facilities provided by the company through the internet or by visiting. And Read the current news related to the organization. Don’t stop here, use the company web site, business magazines, articles to gather as much information. If possible, talk to current/previous employers to learn more things. After completion of the research you can easily select the company for an interview.
    8. Know your job profile: Knowing your job profile for which the company is hiring and analyze the job description. Determine the job hierarchy and see where is your position in the company. If it matched with your requirement of your interest, then you can go for the job interview.
    9. Preparing for questions: Think what type of questions they ask related to your profile. You should know your profile related questions as no employer will ask the question out of the box. It will be related to your field and background. This helps you to get comfortable with giving answers and gives a feel of proper structure related to the interview. Give an answer with full confidence and don’t fumble and panic in an interview.
  •  During the interview: On the day of the interview, you need to know all things about yourself. This is most important part of the interview.
    1. Read your resume: Make your resume attractive and meaningful. Read all resume carefully because they can ask anything from the resume. Some time we have many resumes according to the different job profiles and information. And this is our responsibility to remember that what information or resume sent to the company. If you read resume properly than you give same answer related to the resume information. Take extra copies of resume with you for future benefit.
    2. Proper Dressup: Proper Dressup a sign of your professionalism and this is show how much you interested in this profile. We all say every time first impression is the last impression. A Formal dress will gives the comfortable feeling to viewers who work with you in the future and always wear a wrinkle free clothes. Don’t use any bright colors because they don’t look formal, only use black, white, gray, light blue. Keep a jewelry and accessories to a minimum.
    3. Arrived before given time: Arrived at the time for the interview, but if you will arrive 10 to 15 minutes your scheduled then don’t start using your phone. Arriving a bit early, then you get the chance to observe the dynamics of the workplace it is more useful for you.
    4. Answering the questions: Once the interview starts the key to success is depends on the type of quality you delivered into your answers. Speak clearly and honestly, don’t act as fake person or over smart. Even some time give a better example of your answers but meaningful.
    5. Be positive: Always think positive and gives the answers in the positive way, don’t use negative words during the interview. Even If you were in a bad situation, think how you can give the answer in a positive way. Example, if you talk about the glass, it is much better to talk about a glass being half full then to talk about it is half empty.
    6. Get comfortable: If you practiced everything related to the interview, then don’t get nervous. Interviewer not only want those candidates who have more knowledge, they also want those candidates who have confidence and effective speaking skills. Feel comfortable and relaxed to influence to your confidence level. The interviewer always appreciates to these candidates.
    7. Keep things simple and short: Try to give an answer to the interviewer in a short and simple way. Give Structure your answers so that you are talking in 30-90 seconds, if you have taken more time than your interviewer lose interest what you are saying. And be a genuine person don’t be a fake person
    8. End of the interview: If you have any query then you can ask any question to the interviewer. At the time of the end of the interview always finish with a sweet smile and say thank you or my pleasure to meet you.
  • After interviewing: After the interview, send the thank you note to an interviewer via email within 24 hours and wait for follow-up response. Some company provides follow-up on the same day but some companies take a few days. If you are selected then they sends you a joining letter via email or by post. If the answer is no then they will not call you back.