How to Register a Dog with AKC
The American Kennel club registered a purebred dogs in their database by providing a certification to them.  The process of AKC is available in the United States only and is underwritten by the American Pet Insurance Company, 907 NW Ballard Way, Seattle WA 98107-4607. The PetPartners, Inc. administrates the AKC pet Insurance certificate. So, that you can easily make your pet world’s best pet by giving him/her good health care. Registration process of AKC
  • You must have to get an application form from the seller while purchasing the dog.
  • After completing the application, submit this application to the American kennel club with the proper amount of fees.
  • You can also fill this application online through the official site of the AKC. The application form includes some information like color and marking of the dog, registration type, Name of a dog, Signiture/name/address of all owners and Co-owners, payment information, sex of the dog and transfer date.
  • Within 2 to 3 weeks, your dog will get a registration certificate from AKC.
Benefits of Getting Registration
  • The Registered dog will get proper health care and other treatments.
  • The AKC pet Insurance program is also a part of this registration process.
  • Your dog will get eligibility to participate in several sports events.
  • The Registration process helps to earn an AKC title, Even Canine Good Citizen.

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