Home remedies to cure diabetes problem
The IDF Diabetes Atlas mentioned in their 6th edition, the 7.2 billion population of the world suffers from diabetes. According to the experts, we can see the huge increased by 1.5 billion in diabetes’s patient in the year 2035. Diabetes means increasing the level of glucose highly in the blood. After that, the body parts cannot use the insulin hormone properly and a patient usually faced the problem of diabetes in their body. Homely remedies to prevent the diabetes: Cinnamon Cinnamon is very helpful in diabetes cure. It helps to improve the insulin working in the body and also lower the blood glucose. Daily take ½ tablespoon of cinnamon powder per day and you can boil the 4 to 5 sticks of cinnamon in one cup of water for 20 mints. Gooseberry It is rich in vitamin C and it can improve the digestive system of our body. Due to the good digestive system, we can easily overcome the problem of diabetes Blackberry Blackberry helps a lot in controlling the blood sugar level because it contains anthocyanins, elegiac acid, hydrolysable tannins etc. Blackberry leaves and seed can be used by those who are surfing from the diabetes. Mango Leaves Mango leaves make flexible insulin levels in the blood and improves the lipid level in the body. Soak 10 to 15 mango leave in one glass of water overnight. In the next morning drink it without eating anything else. You can also grand the dry leaves of mango for the regular use and eat a half tablespoon of powder two times every day. Bitter Gourd Bitter gourd is the fullness of insulin-polypeptide-P, a bio-chemical. It produces the insulin in the human body and reduces the level of glucose. It contains two essential components called charatin and momordicin. Make its juice and drink every day. Neem/Azadirachta Indica It is medically proven that Neem/ Azadirachta Indica is used in many medicines. It is rich in insulin receptor sensitivity and helps in proper blood circulation by dilating the blood vessels. Drink the juice of the Neem/Azadirachta Indica early in the morning with empty stomach.
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