Home Remedies for Dark Circles
The eyes are the most attractive part of the face. Dark circles are the main problem around the eyes. It is the second most common skin problem in the world. The skin around the eye area are the thinnest part of the body, that’s why blood vessels are more readily visible through it and some time it is visible darker. You can reduce this red and dark eyes with some effective home remedies. Home Remedies: 1. Tomato is a great toner for eyes because it contains lycopene. It is protecting the skin from damage. Take a half of tomato, squeeze it. Apply tomato juice on the affected area, massage it gently, after that  let it stay for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. For more effective results you can add lemon juice in it. 2. Potatoes contain the enzyme, starch, which is nourishing the skin and treat the dark circles. Grate the raw potato and extract the juice, soak two cotton balls in it. Place cotton balls in the dark circles for 10 minutes and then remove. Wash eyes with cold water. 3. Cucumber has lightened and mild astringent properties. It is a good antioxidant that helps to treat the dark circles. Cut the cucumber into thick slices and place them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Take 2 slices of cucumber and put them on the affected area properly. 4. Rose water gives the strengthen to the skin cells and rejuvenate the skin. It is helping you get rid of damaged skin and gives a little bit pinkish tone to your skin. In this you need rose water and two cotton balls. Dip the cotton balls into the rose water and place them under your eyes for 20 minutes. 5. Almond oil is a good natural ingredient, which has a power make your dark circles history. It’s vitamin E property helps to lighten the eye area. Take a few drops of almond oil in your hand and apply it around the eyes. Massage it smoothly and leave the oil overnight. Wash it off next morning with cold water, repeat this every day until dark circles gone. 6. Mint leaves loaded with vitamin C, which improve the skin tone and lighten the affected area. Crush the mint leaves and mix a few drops of water till you get a smooth paste. Apply this paste on under the eyes, leave it on for 10 minutes. Wash with cold water. Use this remedy daily before going to bed time. 7. Green tea contains tannins that have astringent assets. Dark circles occur because of dilation of blood vessels, but green tea reduces the dilution. Take 2 green tea bags, dip these bags into the water place them in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Remove them from from refrigerator and place them on your eyes.
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