Heat Stroke - Symptoms & Treatment

Heat Stroke is caused by the sun, where a body temperature increases and person get a fever or unconsciousness. It can be due to excess of working in high temperature and getting exerted by overheating. It can damage your brain, kidney, heart and muscle, if not treated timely.

The main symptoms are: - If body temperature increases above 105 degrees Fahrenheit, then it is common symptom of heat stroke. - Vomiting and Nausea - Headache - Unconsciousness - Muscle cramps and weakness - Red, hot, dry skin - Rapid and slow breathing - Lack of sweating despite of heat

Heat Stroke can be treated in many different ways listed below: - The Victim should be kept in a cool and dry place or in a room with air conditioning. - The victim should remove excessive clothing immediately as much he/she can. - He/She should take fluids such as water, fruit juice and some cool drinks. - He/She should cool their skin. If the person is not capable to recover than kindly consult the doctor as soon as possible.


Preventing ourself from heat stroke is the most important thing, whenever you find heat is high outside it is better to stay in an Air conditioned rooms. There are certain prevention you can take to protect from heat stroke. - Wear loose clothes and in a light color. - Use sunscreen with SPF 30 while going out specially. - Drinking water is extremely recommended in our day to day life. Minimum eight glasses of water needed to stay hydrated. - Avoid going out in the afternoon time, schedule your meetings in the evening. - During exercising, take special care & take extra fluids.

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