Effects of Coffee
Coffee is a kind of energy drink. Most of people love to take coffee in the morning and their tea time. It is prepared with coffee beans and contains caffeine, which cause many problems like insomnia, nervousness and restlessness,increased heart and breathing rate, and other major side effects.  If we take it on a regular basis, it becomes so addictive and then it becomes difficult to pass a day without it. If you are also a coffee lover and take it on a regular basis, then it is important for you to know about its negative. Negative Effects of Coffee:- With some positive benefits it has also many negative effects of taking coffee in large quantity.  It contains caffeine, which is very harmful if we take more than 2 to 3 cups in a day because it’s a kind of drug which is very addictive and we can easily become dependent on it.
  • It is very harmful for the people with high pressure because it is very effective to increase the pressure of blood on our nerves.
  • If you have problem of diabetes, then avoid of taking coffee because it can also increase the level of diabetes in our blood.
  • Coffee has also caused the problem for those people who have problem of acid reflux or heartburn because it can easily get messed up with your stomach.
  • Large drinking of coffee is also very harmful for our heart because it causes the risk of heart attack, especially for youngsters.
  • If we take overdose of coffee it can cause the problem of headaches after taking it.

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