Effective Homely Remedies for Dry Skin
Do you feel embarrassed because of having a dry skin? If yes,  then you can apply natural homely prescriptions to deal with dry skin. Home remedies for dry skin Milk cream: Milk cream has a lactic acid in it which helps to exfoliate dry skin. It has also helped to balance the pH level that is effective to make the skin smooth and soft. Take few drops of lemon juice, one tablespoon of milk, and two tablespoons of milk cream. Rub it on the affected area, leave it for some time and then wash it. Use this remedy on daily for good result. Honey: Honey is well known home ingredient for beautiful skin. It is a natural home moisturizer and lock into the skin. Honey contains the antioxidant, antimicrobial, and humectants properties as well as making new skin cells. Rub honey on all over the body, after 15 minutes take a bath. Repeat it daily. Yogurt: It gives your skin many minerals and vitamins like vitamin B2, vitamin B12, calcium, and potassium that it needed. Yogurt is rich in antioxidant and it hydrates the skin deeply. Take a fresh yogurt and apply all over the body for 10 mints and then wash off. Olive oil: Olive oil works a cleanser, moisturizer, and skin protector. It provides vitamin A and vitamin E. Vitamin A helps to reduce wrinkles and increase the blood flow in the skin. Vitamin E protects the skin from dryness and save the collagen from the damage. Olive oil contains the healthy fatty acids that are good for your skin. Use olive oil daily; take a few drops of olive oil, mix it into moisturizer and apply. You can use this as skin massage oil. Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a great source of proteins and saturated fats. It can clear the pores from the dirt and pollution and opens the block pores. It has reduced the level of blood pressure that is proven in the lab. Use the coconut oil before going to the sleep. Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a skin protector that protects from skin infection and itchiness. It is also a healthy diet food because it gives a boost to the immunity system. Oatmeal used as a scrub and gives a glow to skin. One cup of soaked oatmeal and a few drops of lavender oil, mix it well. Apply it on face for 10 to 15 mints and then wash off with water. Banana: A Banana gives instant moisture to your skin. It is rich in potassium and many fatty acids that give you sooth and supple skin. Take the half ripe banana, 1 tablespoon coconut oil, make a paste nicely. Apply it on dry areas for 20 mints and wash off. Use it once or twice a week.
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