Do's and Dont's in Menstruation Cycle

Every woman feels dread “that time of the month” when their body are sore and achy, moods are varied, and sometimes with paining in the muscles and lower back that are so exhausted they can hardly get out of bed. Every month, a woman’s body goes through a natural process called menstruation cycle. In a woman, the uterus is placed inside the body where a fetus (baby) develops. Every month, one of the ovaries releases an egg — a process called ovulation. The lining of the uterus is getting thicker to prepare for a fertilized egg only if the woman gets pregnant. If the egg doesn’t get fertilized means that lining is released from the body through the vagina. This is menstruation. It is a sign or preparation of woman’s ability to reproduce or having children. Here are some tips that help you in the menstrual cycle:- Minimizing  cramps Take Clary Sage oil  and rub it on your stomach. It supports estrogen production and acts on the pituitary gland to prevent cramps. When you get cramp, take this oil and apply it on your stomach for 5-10 minutes. You can also take a warm bubble bath and heating pad on your stomach to minimize the cramp. Alter Your Diet Try to eat food with more potassium into your diet. You should also take fruits such as bananas. Don’t eat salty and sugary foods. Get plenty of water Drink plenty of water because it will keep your body in balance and you will not feel as bad. You will also feel relief from stress. Painkiller You can take painkillers if cramps are painful. If not, then painkiller is not necessary. It’s better avoid the use of painkiller. Physical activity Regular Exercise will help everyone to make your period shorter. Physical activity during the periods makes your stomach pain worse and also will help to relieve pressure around your  lower body. Find ways to relax You have to find ways to relax so you feel less tired. You can relax by listening music, thinking about your life and also by sleeping. Change when you feel the need To reduce the chances of leakage, try to change pads every 3 to 6 hours a day. At least change your pad every night. For heavy flow, you need to change pad, two times at night. Keep track of your period Try to remember how long you have your period, how heavy the flow is and when it starts and ends. If your period is is last longer than 10 days than consult with doctor. When should you see a doctor

  • Not started menstruating by the age of 15.
  • Bleeding for more than 7 days.
  • If period suddenly stops for more than 90 days.
  • You are bleeding more heavily than usual or using more than 1 pad or tampon every 1 to 2 hours.
  • If  have severe pain during your period.
  • If you suddenly get a fever and feel sick after using tampons.

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