Back Pain- Cause and Symptoms

Back Pain is a common problem faced by every second adult. It generally felt in the lower back and can become serious if not cured timely. Lower back area can be called as lumber area. It basically includes tissues, structural support. It can cause due to some injury or muscle strain. There are certain causes such as: Arthritis Poor posture due to long hours sitting Lack of exercise Muscle Strain Improper Iifting Result of some awkward movement Muscle Spasm According to the reports, almost 80% Americans feel it once in their life time. It is more common in the age between 35 to 55. This is the serious problem one can go through. One has to consult a doctor, if feel pain in the back. Lower Back Pain includes many factors one has to take proper consultation to get treated properly with the core problem.

Symptoms Of Back Pain There are certain signs usually you will feel in back pain. If you feel the below mentioned symptoms of back pain, It is the warning sign. Look into the symptoms: Any recent injury in the back Any kind of Swelling in the back Pain down in the legs The Pain reaches the knees or below it Urinary Incontinence (Small amount pees) Passing Urine hard Fever Weight loss Numbness around anus, buttocks and genitals Continuous pain or intolerable pain

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