6 Simple Stress Managing Tips for Seniors
For most seniors, dealing with stress can be quite challenging. Here are some simple tips to help you manage your stress. Many seniors expect that retirement is the time when they can relax, play golf and spend time with their loved ones. They also think that they are now free from stresses that have bothered them throughout their life. However, aging comes with new concerns, like keeping your health, how to fund your retirement, and general sense of “loss.” There are many elders who are living alone or single after the death of their spouse. They have no one around to share their feelings with, which can lead to depression. These new concerns at this point of life can cause worries and anxiety that keeps you up at night. There are many ways to manage your stress. We have listed some great stress management techniques below: Breathing Exercises: Breathing is considered as an instant stress reliever. Studies have shown that breathing exercises are essential for emotional health. This is because when you breathe deeply, your brain gets a message to calm down and relax. This message is then sent to your body by the brain. The symptoms you experience when you are stressed, like a racing heart, fast breathing, and high blood pressures, all decrease as your breathe deeply to calm down. - Here are the breathing steps you can try to ease your stress: - Inhale deeply to fill the lower lung section - Hold your breath for a few seconds - Exhale slowly - Repeat the process at least five times Socializing: Socializing comes with many health benefits for your mind and body. Interacting with others helps you feel well and lowers the risk of depression and dementia. For each moment spend socializing, your happiness level goes up and remains steady throughout the day. Seniors should try to spend time with friends or family for few hours a day to experience the benefits. If you are living alone, you can join the club or senior center to spend time with some likeminded people. The more you mingle with people, the less you will be bothered by your worries. Read: Reading is more than escapism or the way to remain busy. It is a useful way for seniors to ease the stress in their lives. According to the some studies, reading minimizes the heart rate and releases tensed muscles. You can read stories that inspire and motivate you. You can enjoy a piece of classic literature. There are biblical stories that are themed on courage and wisdom. It is great to develop a regular habit of reading for relaxation. Get a Pet: A companionship of a pet helps elders overcome loneliness and depression by providing them company, affection, entertainment, responsibility and a sense of purpose. You are likely to forget your worries when you are spending time with your pets. Stay Active: Staying active not only keeps your body fit, but also benefits you mind. You can do a workout or jogging to relive your stress. If you can’t do workouts, a simple walk can do wonders for you. Any type of physical activity raises endorphins, which in turns reduces stress hormones and reduces mild depression. Try listing a nearby park to enjoy nature or sitting out on your front porch. Increase Your Vitamins Take: Diet also plays an important role in your emotional well-being. According to Journal Psychology Today’s report, vitamin C helps you cope with psychological challenges. Adding vitamin C rich foods to your diet, including tomatoes, parsley, orange juice, strawberries, sprouts, and asparagus can help give your mood a boost. Vitamin B5 is also considered good for mental health as it speeds up the production of neurotransmitters to help you relax the central nervous system. These are just a few things you can try to manage your stress and anxiety. It’s important to stay healthy, interactive, and busy to keep your stress, anxiety and negative feelings at a bay.
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