How To Talk To Your Kids About Their Gaming Habits
Do you find it challenging to talk to your game addicted kid? Don’t worry. Here are some things you can try to break the ice. Are your kids obsessed with video games? This can mean that they spend most time in sitting front of a screen with controls in hand. Sometimes they can play a game for 6-8 hours at a stretch. You are not seeing them going outside to play with their friends. Seeing your child play video games for so many hours in a day can be concerning. Although playing video games is absolutely normal, playing them obsessively can be a bad sign. Obesity, laziness, and other negatives are often associated with playing video games for long periods of time. So what should you do? If you hide their gaming consoles, they can easily use other options like an iPad and smartphone to satisfy their craving. Don’t worry. We have come up with some ideas you can try to talk to your children about their gaming habits. Accept That Gaming Is Fun: First of all, you need to change your view about video gaming. Playing video games is now a part of childhood. Given that most parents didn’t grow up with ipods, ipads and multitude of devices, they wonder how anyone can spend hours playing a game. Gaming is absolutely normal. Try spending some time with your children as they play. Ask them questions about the game and understand what they love about it. This way you can appreciate the value of the games your kids are playing. You will be able to identify some of the potential areas of concern. For example, if you find that the game has offensive content or excessive violence, you can suggest your kids stop playing it. The kids will value your decision rather than seeing it as a reactionary. Keep Talking with Your Kids About What They are Playing: As we have said earlier, you can limit the content at home, but your kids will access them easily anywhere. Hiding games is not a good solution. Instead, show an interest in their video games. Talk to them about what they are playing. It helps them develop the ability to review the media and form their own opinions. Setting Limits is also Important: Excess of anything is bad. An addiction to games in kids can lead to falling grades and less human interaction. It might be necessary to limit your kids gaming time. Try setting hours of playing, encourage them to take part in other activities, and keep consoles and computers out of their rooms. Bottom Line: Being informed and being involved are the best things you can do to understand your children's gaming habits.    
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